Tuesday, 18 September 2012

TBI Blog Hop!

Hiya lovelies,

Just a quick post to tell you that I'm co-hosting the Them Blog Ideas (TBI) blog hop this fortnight! I love blog hops, they're a great way to find new blogs as well as promote your own :)

TBI is a blog run by two bloggers, Ina and Emma, who aim to unite all bloggers! So even if you don't like the idea of a blog hop - definitely check out their blog or twitter anyway and join the community :)

You can join the blog hop here!

Thanks for reading xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I've come over from the blog hop. Congrats on being the co-host, you have a lovely blog and i'm looking forward to reading your posts.
    littlemisskme.blogspot.com xx


Thanks for commenting! Make sure to leave your blog link so I can check it out :)