Monday, 10 September 2012

John Frieda Sheer Blonde Campaign

Hiya lovelies!

It's no secret that I love John Frieda hair products for my blonde hair, so when I was contacted and asked if I was interested in being a part of John Frieda's new Sheer Blonde campaign I was over the moon!

Now what I didn't realise is that John Frieda have a Youtube Channel (here) where they do hair tutorials and recently have been focusing on hair looks for blondes which are really easy to follow and adapt to your hair type (and of course brunettes can pull of these looks too!).

My personal favourites are the hair bow and the soft textured waves but they also have a great fishtail braids and a low french roll tutorial too!

So I will have a few more posts coming up soon to do with the campaign including my 'attempts' (I'm not the most artistic hair-wise!) at some of the hair tutorials, full reviews of some of their products and also a low-down on the ranges (found here) available from John Frieda for blonde hair as sometimes it can be a bit confusing to find out which one will suit your hair best!

For now, have a watch of the tutorials and be sure to leave a comment or tweet me (@emilyannbeauty) if you give any of them a go!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Ooh I may have to give this range a try! x

  2. i didn't like the range AT ALL :I
    oh, and i now follow your blog..
    if you like, check out mine!


Thanks for commenting! Make sure to leave your blog link so I can check it out :)