Have seen this tag floating around a few blogs lately and thought I'd give it a go, as I thought it was a nice idea :)
10 Secrets
- I'm ashamed that my main hobby at the moment is blogging, especially as I haven't told family and friends that I do it :( Don't take this the wrong way - I love blogging, but I'm scared people in my life will judge me and laugh at me and not take it as seriously as I, and my followers, do.
- I'm very shy and self conscious in real life, I wish I was more confident :(
- I'm slowly running out of friends, they all seem to just disappear :( and this makes me feel very vulnerable and lonely.
- I've only ever had one serious relationship, with my current boyfriend of two years, and I honestly have no idea what I'd do if I lost him :( he's my best friend as well as my boyfriend and as much as he annoys me sometimes, he makes me the happiest I've ever felt.
- My parents divorced when I was 8 and since then I've had major trust issues with the male figures in my life, as well as boyfriends (it took me over a year to fully trust Callum, my current boyfriend) and I honestly think I'll always be insecure with trust. HOWEVER, once I trust someone, I probably trust them too much and become too dependent :/ I can't win!
- As bad as it sounds, one of the main reasons I turned vegetarian was to prove to people who said I couldn't do it, that I could. I'm THAT stubborn... and I don't like most meats.
- I hate most of my body (hence why I don't post OOTDs) - especially my tummy and my thighs. The only part I really like are my boobs haha.
- I honestly think I could be bipolar; my mood swings are ridiculous.
- I'm probably OCD for checking my emails, facebook and twitter - seriously I do it ALL the time.
- I hate feeling like I haven't achieved anything in a day, like if I just have a lazy day I feel crap for most of it as I'm not actually achieving anything :/